We are the Champions

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Spending time with God

Wow, it has been a long time since I have posted anything. Oops!

This morning I decided that before I did anything I would go through a prayer guide from GodTV. It is an excellent guide with lots of scriptures. I was convicted during our Ministerial Study Program last night (a study John and I are doing to be better prepared for ministry) about the disciples inability to stay awake with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. As I read about how they kept falling asleep I knew that I would have done the same and in fact do do the same thing. I get distracted so easily that to sit for very long I feel I have to do something else.

So rather than read the paper and check the e-mail, I would sit down and go through this prayer guide. Oh how hard it was, my mind would focus for a while and then would wander to some undone task. I can relate to Martha so well, I think she had ADD like me. But I was able to go through the guide and was very blessed. I hope to make it a habit - put God first each morning before everything else.

Blessings~ Dawn

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