Ok, so today John is having his chemotherapy. After getting him settled I had to come back home to pick up something that belongs to CBCC, I decided to stop on the way back to get John some bagels and Jamba Juice. All was going well until I went to park the car (mommy car van) for the Jamba Juice, suddenly the car would not steer. Dead steering. I had just had the steering fixed so that made no sense. I shut the car off and restarted thinking maybe it would change it's mind and would work. Nope, nada. Well I was stuck, what to do? I called John and announced "we have a problem", then I tried to call a couple of friends to see if they could come and take me home to get the other car, the one that works, the one that always works because it is a much nicer car. No bitterness. Anyway of course no one was home. So off I started walking, it is a long way from the Market Place to my house. But I did have some observations along the way.
1. I am really out of shape.
2. I do not know enough people, otherwise I could have found a ride.
3. I do not know enough people, otherwise I would have seen someone I know while walking who could have given me a ride.
4. There are great shade trees along Ming, I needed them, it was getting hot
5. It is a long way from the Market Place to my house.
6. There are shoes good for walking, I did not have them on.
7. Seven Oaks golf course is very pretty
8. Purses full of junk get heavy, mine was killing my shoulder.
After I got home and got the car that never would think of breaking down, it is far to sophisticated for that. I decided to time the trip. It took me an hour to walk to my house and 8 minutes to drive back to the Market Place. You know what? It is a long ways from the Market Place to my house when you are walking.