We are the Champions

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Minus One Car

Well what can we say, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Poor Mihaela was driving to get her brother a birthday card, and another driver ran a red light and hit her car. We are just so grateful for the Lord's protection over her, other than being sore she was unharmed. The car unfortunately did not fair as well, it is probably totaled as it is not worth what I am sure it would cost to repair it.


Cyndi said...

Oh noooo! Poor Mihaela! Thank God she's alright.

Keyes Family said...

Man, what your family is going through. You are all in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

the car was a piece anyways! but it's awesome that she's ok, 20 bucks says the other driver was a teenager.


Anonymous said...

Just catching up with what is new in your lives as we were away all of last week playing in the desert!!
Soooo unhappy to see the car in such a sorry shape; but deeeelighted that our Grand Daughter survived with no serious damage!!
Love you all. Miss Sue and Grandpa