We are the Champions

Welcome to our blog...we hope our journey of faith encourages yours.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Well we stand in complete awe of our magnificent God, to Him be all the glory.

Today we got apples to apples confirmation of the healing in Chris's lungs. The original scan that showed something was a CT scan, a PET was done which showed all was clear but Chris's doctor, who we give thanks to the Lord for, wanted to make sure and redo the CT. Well God just used that scan to complete the confirmation of His work and healing - IT WAS CLEAR!!

We truly are in awe of such wonderful news.

As for John, well things are progressing well. We have been working hard on physical, speech and occupational therapy. On Monday both his physical and occupational therapist said they are seeing great improvement. We have been doing exercises in the pool which is a great place to build strength. Next week we will redo John's MRI and I am confident it will continue to show God's healing also.
Blessings ~ Dawn

Friday, July 11, 2008

We rejoice in God's goodness

First you have to read a portion Chris's blog, which was posted yesterday.

"I had the redo on the PET scan on Monday. Still waiting on results for that. A friend from Qatar came and prayed for me on Sunday, and through that this is what I got: Why am I always like "God will heal me when He wants to." That's dumb! God wants me healed. And I'm believing that. These scans are going to come back totally clear. I'm sure of it. And I'm not going to leave my place to retreat to (saying things like "God will heal me when He wants to") if they don't. Because they're going to come back good and it'll be awesome."

Today we saw the complete victory that Chris already believed for himself. The scans came back completely clear, no sign of anything in his lungs. We know without a doubt that there was stuff on his lungs and we also know this is a God miracle, as He healed Chris's lungs. We give Him all the praise and glory for this.

For anyone who reads this and does know if God truly heals or not, this is a irrefutable demonstration of the fact that God truly does heal and that He is good and loves us. We are also so grateful for Chris being able to believe in Gods provision before he saw the proof of it.

A dear friend sent this scripture to me.

"I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit. Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong." Ephesians 3:16-17